The member : at the heart of our Association.

A financial cooperative association created by and for employees of intergovernmental organisation. A dual structure of international civil servants and experienced employees with complementary roles: AMFIE is claiming an original and unique position in the world of intergovernmental organisations.

Reduced charges : A transparent fee structure and reduced charges are a central feature of AMFIE's management policy.

Equality of treatment : All members receive the same personalized service, no matter how much they have invested.

Secure management : Maintaining a conservative investment policy is our priority.

All members are invited to attend an ordinary general meeting of the association every year, in Luxembourg, to discuss the reports of the Board and the Auditor and, to approve the previous year’s accounts.
The General Meeting decides the Association’s policy and elects the Board of Directors.
Members can call for specific items to be included in the agenda of the Annual General Meeting.

The 34th digital session of the Annual General Meeting will be held between 16th June and 27th June 2025 (noon).

The Extraordinary general meeting is held for any amendments to the Statutes of the Association. In addition, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened whenever, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, the needs of the Association so require, or whenever a group of members representing at least one-tenth of the registered capital request it.

The Strategy Committee is responsible for assisting the Board of Directors in the examination of strategic orientations and providing it with information regarding any new developments or changes that might impact on the conduct of the Association and the attainment of its objectives.

The following members were appointed:

His Royal Highness The Prince Guillaume was born on May 1st, 1963 at the Castle of Betzdorf (Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg). He is the youngest of the five children of Their Royal Highnesses the Grand-Duke Jean and the Grand-Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte of Luxembourg, born Princess of Belgium.

Prince Guillaume was educated in Luxembourg and at the Institut du Rosey (Switzerland) and received his “baccalauréat” in economics in 1982.

The Prince Guillaume pursued his studies at Oxford University (England) and Georgetown University (USA), where he graduated in 1987 in international relations.

During the following six months, he interned in the office of the Executive Director for Belgium and Luxembourg of the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND in Washington, DC and attended a seminar at the gas and petroleum division of LUSCAR Ltd. in Alberta (Canada).

From 1989 to 1991, Prince Guillaume interned at the COMMISSION of the EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES in Brussels (Belgium), and attended a financial seminar organized by the INDUSTRIAL BANK OF JAPAN in Tokyo (Japan).

From 1992 to 2003, Prince Guillaume was appointed President of LUX DEVELOPMENT, the agency which executes bilateral and intergovernmental aid programs for the Luxembourg Government.

The Prince Guillaume is the President and Co-Founder of the BENELUX AWARD, granted to youngsters between 14 and 25 years of age to encourage their sense of responsibility, initiative and perseverance in four domains: musical, social, manual and sports.

The Prince Guillaume speaks fluently Luxembourgish, French, German and English.

Prince Guillaume married Miss Sibilla Weiller on September 24, 1994 and lives in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg with their 4 children. 

Board member of BGL BNP Paribas, Board member of ArcelorMittal Luxembourg.

AMFIE: Member of the Strategy committee since 2017

Emmanuel Bonnaud holds a Master in Economics and Finance from Sciences Po Paris, a Master in Law and a MBA from HEC Group, He began his career in audit and has been for 10 years a partner in KPMG's financial advisory practice in Paris, before leading the Corporate Performance practice of the Strategy Consulting firm Roland Berger in Paris. His clients were mainly European or US groups, in various industries or services, international institutions, and private equity funds. Emmanuel led more than 150 engagements with his teams in Europe, US, Asia and Africa. 

Since 2018, he joined the French Private Equity firm CAPZA in Paris as a partner.

AMFIE: Member of the Strategy committee (since 2023).

Mr. Emin is since 2021 Counsellor to the Chairman of a French international financial audit firm, mainly advising on business development especially with French and EU Public Sector clients and preparing the firm to the ESG standards (legal and extra-financial issues). Furthermore, for one the top 3 French Startup studios, he co-develops agile business models especially with Financial Services clients and provides regulatory advisory (in-house and for clients) especially ESG, AML and banking/insurance issues/IA for finance.

Philippe Emin joined as Senior Advisor the Financial Institutions Group Team of ROLAND BERGER GLOBAL CONSULTING, advising EMEA Banks, Insurance Companies and Investment Funds (2019-2021).

He was Senior Advisor for a French-American financial advisory firm for which he was in the founders-partners’team, acting as MD of a New-York based Debt Infrastructure Fund (CERES AM) financing infrastructures in the United States.
Philippe Emin worked as VP - Group Deputy Head of the Public Affairs of CREDIT AGRICOLE GROUP (2016-2017) and AXA (2017-2018), developing regulatory strategies in different fields such as Digital Transformation (including IA and data governance), Regulatory Transformation for Risks and Compliance Divisions, Blockchains, Group implementation of BASEL III (+IV) and SOLVENCY II, automotive vehicles.

From 2013 to 2016, he was Counsellor/Chief of Staff to the Chairman and the Secretary General of the AUTORITÉ DES MARCHÉS FINANCIERS (“AMF” - the French Financial markets and Asset management regulator). Responsible for Strategy, Regulatory policy and institutional relations, he advised on these issues the Chairman and the Secretary General, including those discussed at the Board of the AMF.
In 2010, he was appointed to the French Treasury (“Direction Générale du Trésor”) and became Counsellor, deputy to the Minister Counsellor for financial affairs, head of the economic and monetary affairs department of the French Permanent Representation to the European Union, based in Brussels. He was the French negotiator in the European Council for Financial Services (AIFMD, SSR, EMIR, MAR, CRAR II/III, CSDR, MIFID/MIFIR, CRDIV, SOLEVENCY II) and for company laws (EuVECA / EuSEF, Accounting, Audit). In the European Council, he also participated in the negotiations of sovereign debt crises in the Euro zone.

Philippe Emin began his career in M&A and project finance advisory in an M&A firm based in Frankfurt. In 2000, he joined the AMF where he held various positions, especially in Corporate finance and where he oversaw many corporate events (IPO, tender offers, restructurings, etc.) in various sectors (esp. Technologies, IT, Media, Luxury, Health).

Mr. Emin is a graduate of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (IEP/Sciences Po). He holds a Master’s degree in Business Law from the University of Paris-Assas and a post-graduate diploma in Tax/Finance Management from the University of Paris-Dauphine. He received a L.L.M from the LMU (Munich - Germany) and the qualification as a lawyer - member of the Bar of Paris.

AMFIE: Member of the Strategy committee (since 2023).


  • Current positions

Roving Ambassador of the Parliamentary  Assembly of the Mediterranean on Counter Terrorism , Transnational Organized Crime, Cybercriminality and to promote the Rule of Law;
Maître Laborde Law Firm, Bar Association of the Court of Appeal of Toulouse;
Adjunct Professor, Director, Counter Terrorism Centre, French Military Academy St Cyr;
Adjunct Professor, International Criminal Law ICES (Catholic Institute for Higher Studies);
Honorary Judge, Judicial Supreme Court;
Special Advisor to the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime.

  • United Nations Professional Experience

2013-2017 United Nations Security Council CTED’s Executive Director and Assistant Secretary General
2009-2011  Special Adviser of the Under-Secretary-General for the Political Affairs; Chairman of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) and Director of the CTITF Office
2002-2008 Head, Terrorism Prevention Branch, UNODC
2002-2008 Head of the Secretariat Section supporting the negociations on the United Nations Convention on Transnational Organised Crime, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Inter-Regional Advisor, UNODC Vienna

  • French  Judicial System and Prosecutorial Experience

2010-2013 Honorary Judge, Judicial Suprem Court, Financial, Economic and Commercial Chamber as well as Criminal Chamber
2008-2009 President of Chamber, Court of Appeals of Aix-en-Provence
1991-1993 Head of the National Service for the Inspection of Penitentiary Services
1988-1991 Chief Prosecutor, Saint Pierre de la Réunion
1986-1988 Assistant Prosecutor-General, Court of Appeals of Caen, Normandy
1980-1986 Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Head of the Financial and Economic Branch in Toulouse and Saint Denis de la Réunion
1975-1980 Investigating Judge in Foix and Toulouse


Master’s degree in Political Affairs from the Centre for Advanced Studies on Africa and Asia in Paris (1993-1994)
Entrance Competitive Examination and exit examination to and of the National School of Magistrature
Bar exam of the Bar Association of Toulouse (1971)
Degree of the Judicial Studies Institute of Toulouse (1971)
Degree in Private Law from the University of Toulouse (1971)
Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Bordeaux (1969)
High School studies (English, Latin, Ancient Greek, Russian), Auch and Bordeaux (1961)


  • Languages

Native French speaker; English: fluent (UN Proficiency); Spanish: fluent;
Knowledgeable in Portuguese, Italian and Russian.

  • Publications

« Etat de droit et crime organisé » (Dalloz, 2005)
« Traité de procédure pénale » (forthcoming, in collaboration with Professor Roujoude Boubée, Ellipse Editions)

Numerous articles, especially on international criminal law, terrorism, transnational organized crime and the United Nations

AMFIE: Member of the Strategy committee since 2018

Master degree in Law,University of Trieste (1972);
Associate Professor of International and European law, University of Trieste (1979-1998);
Invited Professor by Universities and Institutions of different European countries.

Council of Europe (1976 - 2013):
Referendaire at the European Commission of Human Rights (1976 - 1979);
Secretary to Parliamentary Commissions and Head of Section at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1979 - 1996);
Head of division of Field Offices (1996 - 2003);
Head of the Department of Public law (2003 - 2007);
Head of the Technical Cooperation Department (2007 - 2011);
President of the Comity of the staff representatives of Coordinated Organisations (1994 - 2014);
President of Staff Committee of the Council of Europe (2011 - 2013).

Lawyer in international administrative law, representing Staff Members of International Organisations before the administrative jurisdictions of the Coordinated Organisations;
Member of the Bureau and of the Governing body of the Association on the former Staff Members of the Coordinated Organisations(AAPOCAD);
Vice-Chairman of the Association of Italian lawyers in International and European law (ASDIE);
Member of the Board Director of the International Institute of studies in Human Rights (Trieste);

Author of many publications (books and articles) in the following fields: public International Law; International Organisations; Human Rights; International Administrative Law. Member of the Editorial Office of “Rivista della cooperazione giuridica internazionale” (ed. ARACNE, Rome); Scientific advisor of Editions ARACNE.

AMFIE: Member of the Strategy Committee (since 2017).

Resident in Luxembourg for over 30 years, Julian Presber is a senior figure in the Luxembourg financial centre. He was for many years Managing Director of State Street Bank Luxembourg and Senior Vice President of State Street Corporation (1995 – 2009).  Prior to that, he held senior positions at Clearstream Bank in Luxembourg (1989 – 1995), the banking payments network SWIFT in Brussels (1985 – 1989), and the Royal Bank of Canada in Winnipeg, Canada (1980 – 1984).  In 2009 he joined the University of Luxembourg in the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, where he served as Co-ordinator of Relations with the Financial Centre for the Luxembourg School of Finance of the University until December 2018.

His research interests are the organisational aspects of risk management in banks since the financial crisis.  He recently carried out a major study of risk practices at the Luxembourg subsidiaries of global systemically important banks (GSIBs).

Since 2012 Mr Presber has served as Independent Director of the Board of CACEIS Investor Services Bank SA in Luxembourg, where he also serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee and as Chairman of the Nomination Committee. In 2018 he was appointed Independent Director of AIG Europe SA, where he serves as Chairman of the Board. Previously, Mr Presber was on the Boards of Directors of the Luxembourg Bankers’ Association (ABBL) (2002 - 2006) and of the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) (2001 – 2009), and was president of the Association of American Banks in Luxembourg (2002 – 2006).  He also served for many years on the Investment Funds Committee of the Luxembourg regulator, the CSSF, and on the Commission de la Bourse of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

Mr Presber obtained his doctorate in finance from the International School of Management based in Paris in 2018. He obtained his undergraduate degree at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, and an MBA (with Distinction) from INSEAD, France (1985).  He speaks English, French, German and Luxembourgish fluently.

Mr Presber is married with two children.

AMFIE: Member of the Strategy Committee (since 2017).

AMFIE is managed by a Board of Directors comprising 8 members of the Association elected by the General Meeting for a term of two years. One-half of the Board is renewed each year.
The Board elects from among its members a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary-General.

MBA degree in Finance and Strategy, Paris Graduate School of Management (ESCP) (1989-1992); Master degree in Economics and Management, Université Paris IX Dauphine (1987-1989); Advanced Degree in Spanish, Sorbonne Université Paris IV (1986).

Marketing Manager, GEC ALSTHOM, Seoul, South Korea (1992-1994); Investment manager, 3I GROUP PLC, France (1994-1998); Director, KPMG CORPORATE FINANCE, France (1998-2006); Head of Corporate Advisory & member of the management committee, CREDIT SUISSE France (2006-2012); President, THE SILVER COMPANY, France & Benelux (since 2012).

Member of ALTAVIA EUROPE Board of Directors (since 2004); Member of the Supervisory board of Financière MAGNOLIA  (2012-2016); Member of the Supervisory board of INVYO (since 2020) ; Founding Member and Member of Fedora Board of Directors (since 2022); President Fedora - the european platform supporting innovation in opera and dance (since 2024).

Articles:“Le Management Package face à la crise” (2010) (Option Finance); Conferences: “The Management position in the LBO process” (2004), “Your first 100 days – how to renegotiate with your banker” (2004) (INSEAD); Lectures: INSEAD entrepreneurship program (speaker 2009-2011).

AMFIE: Director (since 2013) and member of the board of directors  (2013-2014), Vice-President (2015), President (since 2016).

Graduated from Sciences Po Paris in 2000. Majors in Finance, business and corporate law. Master’s degree in risk management and economic intelligence from Paris-Est University in 2002.

Professional experience: More than 15 years in Europe-wide digital ecosystems (ecommerce and marketing). Various verticals:
Wine export (LacrimaVini, cofounder; 2003-2004)
Online retail (Auchan Hypermarkets, Ecommerce & Online Marketing Manager; 2005-2008)
Air transport & tour operating (LuxairGroup, Ecommerce & Digital Marketing manager; 2008-2016)
Insurance (Groupe Bâloise Assurances Luxembourg, Head of Marketing & Digital; April 2016-August 2020 and Head of Corporate Development & Internationl Relations ; as of August 2020)

Member of the Board of Directors at Lycée Vauban ( 2015-2017).
Member of the Board of Directors of ECOM Federation, Luxembourg Ecommerce Federation (2015-2016).
President of Sciences Po Paris Alumni (Luxembourg chapter) (2007-2022).

AMFIE: Director (since 2016), Vice-President (since 2022).

B.A., Brown University. Master of Science, London School of Economics and Political Science. DEA, PhD, Sociology, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po).

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, New York, (1998 - 1999): Assistant Editor. OECD, Paris, (2004–2005): Consultant.

AMFIE: Director (since 2012), Member of the Executive Committee (2012-2014) and Secretary-General (since 2013).

MSc in Finance, ESC Pau Business School (2004); MSc in Auditing & Accounting, University IAE Pau with preparation for CA degree (2004); National School of Engineering and Technology (CNAM) (2003).
Fund administrator, Jersey/Channel Island & Ireland, Bank of New York (2005 - 2006); Asset management team, Multi-Family office, Geneva (2006 - 2008); Operation manager, Bank of China Fund Management, Geneva (2008 - 2010); Asset management team CERN Pension Fund, Geneva (since 2010).
Coordinator (2010-2015), Directors (2013 - 2015) and (since 2022), Treasurer (since 2022).

Habilitation à diriger les Recherches (Doctoral Student Supervision & Senior Researcher) in Public Law, Research Center for Law and Law Prospective (CRDP), Research Team in Public Law (ERDP), University of Lille (2019); PhD in Law and Politics, University of Lille (2008); Master in International Law (DES), Graduate Institute of International Studies (HEI), University of Geneva (1994); Master in International Organisations Law (DESS), University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas (1991); Master in Public Law (DEA), University of Aix-Marseille (1990); Sciences Po, Public Services (1989).

European Commission (October 1996 - today): Administrator, Principal Administrator and Adviser/Senior Expert, in four Directorates-General (EUSA, RTD, HR and GROW); 
Representation of Airbus Helicopter (ex-Eurocopter) to the EU, NATO & WEU (July 1993 - September 1996): Director of the Bureau in Brussels & Responsible for European affairs, in the President’s private office. Advisor/Senior Expert, European Commission, DG R&I.

Knight of the French Order of Merit, since 2014. Member of the Board & Treasurer of the Belgium National Association of the French Order of Merit, since 2017. 
Commander of the French Citizen’s Reserve (French EU Military Representation to the EU - RMFUE), since 2016. 
President of the Association of French EU Officials in Brussels (AFFCE), since 2010.
Publications: More than 40 scientific & academic publications in the Revue du Marché Commun et de l’Union européenne (RMCUE) & the Revue Française d’Administration Publique (RFAP).

AMFIE: Coordinator (since 2017), Director (since 2020).

Officier de réserve and graduated from Staff Officer school, Cavalerie blindée (1998).

Assistant production manager, archivist, executive producer, director (1990-2010). Photo reporter, GAMMA & EXPLORER, Afghanistan, Iran, India, Pakistan (1988-1990) & Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia (1986-1988). Assistant then Director and scriptwriter FUNTEVE, Rio de Janeiro (1984-1986).

AMFIE : Director (since 2012), Assistant treasurer (2016), Treasurer (2018-2022).

ESSEC business school (master’s in management - Grande Ecole programme diploma with specialization in finance) (1984-1987); Paris IX Dauphine - DESS IT applied to management (postgraduate degree in IT) (1988-1989); Diplôme d’Etudes Comptables et Financières (DECF) (1989).

Financial Services Consultant - Deloitte- France then Luxembourg (1989-1996);
Head of banking operation and market risk – Credit Agricole Indosuez – Luxembourg (1996-1998);
Senior Manager – Deloitte – Luxembourg (1998-2002);
Partner / Banking industry leader – Deloitte – Luxembourg (2002-2013);
Partner / head of financial services consulting – EY – Luxembourg (2013-2022).

Editor of 5 Luxembourg banking industry “Cost of Regulation” surveys for ABBL; Co-writer of 2 “EY global wealth management surveys”.
ESSEC Alumni board member since July 2022.

AMFIE : Independent Director (since 2024).

Ms. Rita Umeh holds MBA (2005) from Institut des Hautes Etudes, Tunisia, BA (1990), from University of Jos, Nigeria, Certificate de traduction and certificate in human resources - Certified strategic HR Leader (2022) from University of Manitoba/Saint-Boniface, Canada.

Since 2001, she has been working with the African Development Bank (AfDB), an International Financial Institution based in Abidjan.  Ms. Umeh has served the Bank in various capacities and as an Administrative personnel, and has worked in many organizational units or departments. Currently, she leads the HR archiving and digitalization project, and is a member of the task force on Diversity and Inclusion at the Human Resources Department. She coordinates AMFIE activities in Africa. In the pursuit of her education in Canada, she became a member of the Senate (2021-2022) nominated by USB Student's Association (AEUSB) of the University of Saint-Boniface. AfDB Platinum Toastmasters' Club Charter President - from August 2015 to November 2019.

Before joining AfDB, she worked at PriceWaterhouseCoopers Abidjan, 1995-1998, as Administrative Officer. She began her career at Paks Micro International Institute, Enugu, Nigeria from 1991 to 1993 as Manager, Administration and Public Relations.

Ms. Umeh has won several awards of excellence that include Sector Operations Awards for Best Support Staff at the AfDB in 2007. 

AMFIE: Director (since 2015), Vice-President (2016-2022).


The honorary members


Chevalier of the order of National Merit.

Degrees in English and German, Sorbonne.
Diploma of the Institute of Political Studies, Paris.

COCOM (1962-1964).
OECD (1965-1972).
English language teacher (1972-1977).
Between 1977 and 1999, in Vienna (Austria): Associative activities, free lance translator then at UNOV (1984-1999).

Member of staff council of UNOV. Vice-President of AFIFA (Association of French international civil servants in Austria) between 1996 and 1999.

AMFIE: Coordinator in Vienna (1999-2003), then in Paris and for Europe (since 2003), Director (since 2005), Member of the Executive Committee (2008-2014), Vice-President (2011-2016), Honnorary Vice-President (since 2016).

They receive autorisation from the CSSF (Commission de surveillance du secteur financier) to exercise this function.

Nicolas Horlait (Managing Director)
Giancarlo Danieli (Director - Head of Development)

AMFIE is monitored by two auditors, in accordance with Luxembourg regulations on cooperative companies and the financial sector. Deloitte Luxembourg is currently the external auditor, responsible for the external audit and the certification of annual accounts. BDO is responsible for the internal audit of the Association.
The appointment of auditors is subject to approval by the "Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier" (CSSF).
External auditor : Deloitte Luxembourg, 560 Rue de Neudorf, L-2220 Luxembourg
Internal auditor : BDO Audit SA, 1, rue Jean Piret, L-2350 Luxembourg

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