AMFIE was founded in 1990 by international civil servants for employees of intergovernmental organisations to offer selected financial services to its members.


Today AMFIE is serving over 8,000 members and their families in 146 intergovernmental organisations, and is managing over 460 million Euros in assets. AMFIE offers cost effective personalized service, with a professional staff located in Luxembourg. AMFIE is regulated by Luxembourg’s financial supervisory body - Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), The liquidities deposited by AMFIE with its depositary banks are guaranteed by the “Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts Luxembourg” (FGDL).


Here is a summary of the financial services dedicated to you.


Selected banking services at advantageous conditions


  Open an account
Provident Savings Plan

AMFIE created the Provident Savings Plan (PEP) to meet the specific financial needs of intergovernmental organisations’ staff. The PEP allows to fill the gap in case of an insufficient or non-existing pension scheme; It allows employees to invest regularly and/or to collect “lump-sum(s)” received from their organization(s). In addition, its set-up allows for enormous flexibility (with contributions, choice of investments, of the retirement age...).

Read more about the PEP
Investment Fund Savings Plan

AMFund is the solution that helps you build the capital you need and is intended for anyone who wants to take advantage of the dynamism of the stock markets and rely on investment management expertise. You select one of the five funds offered by AMFund, or a combination thereof, in accordance with your risk resilience, performance expectations and investment horizon.

Read more about AMFund

Gian Carlo Danieli
Managing Director
Tel : +352/42.36.61-216 Fax : +352/42.36.60 
Email :

Maël Guillou
Relationship Manager
Tel : +352 42 36 61 208 Fax : +352/42 36 60

AMFIE 25A, boulevard Royal 
BP 268 L-2012 Luxembourg 

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