Sale and purchase of ordinary shares in AMFIE (closing date, 2 October 2020)

To facilitate trade in ordinary shares between members, AMFIE organises sessions for the purchase and sale of ordinary shares.

These sales are organised to allow members who wish to buy shares in AMFIE's capital to do so at a price established by the Board.

The sale is organised in October. Potential buyers may advise the Association by 2nd October at the latest via* or by correspondence, of the number of shares they wish to buy at the price of € 111.25 per share.

The table below shows the trend for the adjusted value of shares.

Trend in ordinary share value


We must nevertheless point out to potential buyers that past performance is not a guide to future performance. We must also point out that the “market” is limited to AMFIE members; as a result the sale of a large number of shares may prove difficult and may take a fairly long time. On the other hand, ownership of shares allows members to share in any growth in the Association's capital, whilst receiving an annual dividend.

Dividends have been paid on ordinary shares since 2009: here is the record.

The order form for sale or purchase of shares will be sent to you by e-mail or the post. It is also available at, in your Member area under the tab “My meetings with AMFIE | Purchase and Sale of ordinary shares”.

*Make an investment/Security Order


Sale and Purchase Form

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