Newsletter n°78

N° 78 / SEPTEMBER 2020
When the Going gets tough…
It has been – and still is – an awkward period for all mankind: this experiment shows us that we are somehow alike in such circumstances. A message that unfortunately doesn’t end conflicts across the world but puts human life into a wider perspective and solidarity back in the limelight. Two words that echoed with our members’ every day missions…
So let’s discover how some of you cope with this situation by reading the joyful testimonies attached to this edition.
Thanks to our team and coordinators’ work, impact on AMFIE’s flawless execution has been scarce; immediate actions were taken in early March to ensure full covering of AMIE activities from home sites (dedicated lines – remote access…) with our highest standard of security. Onsite presence was programmed to ensure critically secured operation from our premises and up to now, none of our staff has been infected. Nevertheless, we experienced some delays due to our larger business partners that appeared to be less prepared than we were… The team will be back in office by the end of September. Congratulations to everyone for their reactivity and special thanks to Muammer Kardelen and Nicolas Horlait for handling this unexpected situation impeccably.
Hence, we can continue with our regular milestones in this letter:
- the sale/purchase of shares – remember to log your orders before October 2,
- the quarterly interest rates (always good news compared to the market)
- AMFIE ACADEMY : “Solid” gold
Food for …toughs…
Enjoy your reading
Stéphane Argyropoulos
President of the Board of Directors
Sale and purchase of ordinary shares
To facilitate trade in ordinary shares between members, AMFIE organises sessions for the purchase and sale of ordinary shares.
You have received a communication regarding the terms of the purchase and sale at the end of August and many of you have already come forward. At the time of publishing this letter, we have received requests for purchases of 1,669 shares and sales of 357 shares.
You still have until October 2 to send us your orders.
Read moreAMFIE Academy
AMFIE Academy is a series of articles on basic themes concerning saving and investing. Past articles have focused on establishing your investor profile, determining the strategy that best corresponds to your investor profile and building a diversified portfolio. The entire series of articles is available on AMFIE’s website at In this edition, we will review investments in physical gold.
Coordinator’s testimony
Thank you to our two coordinators, Catherine Bécour and Rita Umeh-Okoyeocha for their testimony of this unprecedented period that we have just experienced. Happy reading!
Navigating the tide! (Rita Umeh-Okoyeocha)
Hi everyone! Hope we are all in this combat together! Together we will win! The new normality is a real “assault course” and we must get used to it!
Sideration (Catherine Bécour)
On your marks, get set, go! March 12, the announcement comes: a suspected case of coronavirus infection in the large IMO family and our world changes. Closure of the building, now we work from our homes, each one alone but united in a team spirit: this is how we guarantee the continuity of our vital translation services. ....
Lire la suiteYields: 4th quarter
The Board of Directors has decided to maintain the AMFIE yields for the 4th quarter 2020.
Please find the returns on the Savings account, the term deposit AMFIE Flexible, and the Savings account 0-18.
Read more
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