Newsletter n°89

N° 89 / July 2023
Voting results of the 32nd session of the Annual General meeting
Voting for the 32nd Ordinary General meeting took place between 5th June and 16th June 2023. We would like to thank all our members, who this year, voted in even greater numbers (+23% compared with 2022).
All the resolutions were voted and the following candidates were elected (in alphabetical order):
Mr. Fabrice Andreone, Mr. Stéphane Argyropoulos, Mr. Xavier Roblin, and Mr. Svend Booth (subject to CSSF approval).
Our sincere thanks goes to all the other members who stood for election.
Following the presentation of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 17 June, the Board of Directors elected its bureau:
- Stéphane Argyropoulos, Chairman
- Xavier Roblin, Vice Chairman
- Nicolas Salomon, Treasurer
- Adrienne Hervé, Secretary General
- Fabrice Andreone, Director
- Svend Booth, Director
- Daniel Henquet, Director
- Rita Umeh Okoyeocha, Director
Sale of shares
The share price for the October sale will be €92.27.
To facilitate the transfer of ordinary shares between members, AMFIE is organising a s sale of ordinary shares.
Members will be able to buy and sell shares in AMFIE's capital at a price set by the Board of Directors.
The sale will take place in October, and potential buyers must indicate, via or by post, the number of shares they wish to acquire at the price of €92.27 per share before 3 October 2023.
Capital increase - available shares
The 2022 General Meeting having approved the principle of a capital increase subject to conditions, you will find below the simplified process for the sale/purchase operation, if the demand for shares exceeds the available shares:
4 October 2023: determination of excess demand up to a ceiling of €200,000, i.e. 2,167 ordinary shares
4-9 October 2023: communication of the number of shares eligible for each shareholder (excluding those who have wished to sell shares) in order to maintain their participation in the capital
13 October 2023: response from members on the acquisition of their entire share of eligible shares – the absence of a response being deemed a refusal.
16 October 2023: the remaining shares available after exercising or not exercising the above right will be allocated according to the same rule as we apply for annual sales (bottom up).
Yields for the 3rd quarter 2023
Introduction of a new term for term deposits
The Board of Directors decided to increase the rates on AMFIE's yields on savings accounts, term deposits and 0-18 accounts. A new duration is now available for the AMFIE Flexible term deposits.
For this edition, we are delighted to welcome three new coordinators for organisations inThe Hague.
- Patrizio Graziano (all IGOs)
- Ioannis Kostaras, NCI Agency
- Bruce MacLennan, NCI Agency
And at the EBRD in London, Joshua Van der Ploeg will be welcoming our prospects and members.
We would like to thank two coordinators who have now left their organisations: Haider Iqbal, EMBL in Hinxton, and Janil Marlin, IRENA in Abu Dhabi.
And we congratulate Candida Sansone at IFAD on her promotion to Director of Human Resources.
File review
As mentioned in our previous letter, AMFIE is conducting a global review of our members' administrative documentation from the second half of 2023 throughout 2024. Therefore, your team will contact you by email to collect the outdated or missing documents and information.
European regulations make it necessary to block accounts whose data are incomplete, hence please carefully read our communications and pay attention to the deadlines mentioned. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to call us, we will guide you as best as possible to avoid any inconvenience!
Results of our March Member Survey
Many thanks to those of you who responded our survey to tell us what they like about AMFIE and what we need to improve. It's hard to sum up all the richness of the results in just a few words, but here are the essentials.
First of all, the values that you most associate with AMFIE are Security, Services without fees and Efficiency. These values are the result of the cooperative nature of the organisation; they stem from the emphasis placed on personal relationships, the opportunity to speak to a human being, the professionalism of AMFIE's staff, and the institution's financial strength.
Practical, reliable and responsive, AMFIE nevertheless has still room for improvement. In particular, many of you mentioned the need for additional investment solutions; many members would also like to take advantage of our community to improve their financial education through training courses or webinars organised by AMFIE.
In terms of user experience, you highlighted recurring flaws (delays, fragmented information, etc.) and many suggested practical features that would improve the day-to-day use of our digital interfaces, both for the website and the mobile application.
All this feedback is particularly valuable to us in a year when, as announced at the presentation following the General Meeting on 17 June, we are launching a major project to overhaul the member experience. Thank you all for taking part in this Member Survey, which will be repeated more regularly!


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