Back to our survey (April 2019)


We thank our 700 members who kindly responded to our survey last April. The purpose of this first survey was to better understand your needs and to know how AMFIE could respond to them. Here is a presentation of the results and the lessons we learned from it.

Respondents prefer to communicate in English (70 %).
Active members from AfDB responded the most (15 % of responses), followed by United Nations employees, EMBL and ECMWF.
46% of respondents first heard about AMFIE through their colleagues and 75% for the survey sent in English.

We thank all our fellow ambassadors for their trust and can only encourage you to recommend AMFIE to those around you (95% of respondents indicated that they were ready to do so).

You gave us an overall satisfaction score of 8.1/10. You have also expressed your wishes for improvement and we are very attentive: we noted that for 28% of respondents, the bureaucracy and operational delays are the main area in which we need to make improvements. The Board of Directors and Authorised Management are studying solutions to digitalize the membership and identification procedures in order to ease the processes and simplify the legal administrative exchanges.



We are developing a new interface for AMFIE.NET, which will enable us to automate certain communications in the future. This tool will improve the speed of processing but, due to security and compliance purposes, the control process will remain the same. diagram below details how a transaction is processed and how you can avoid delays and reduce the time length of your instruction (choice of AMFIE.NET for the communication of your instructions, file in conformity…).


You recognize the progress made in the last two years with the online service but you ask to improve it (21%) and in particular the access to the account, while ensuring the security of the accesses. We would like to ask you more about your expectations on this subject and we will submit a dedicated survey before redefining new tool for the online account consultation.
We asked you about your knowledge of two particular products and the result highlights that we need to strengthen our communication about our services (29.4% of respondents know the AMFund and 9.1% the PEP). This aspect is also raised when you ask us to improve our product communication (12%). We take this point into account and will use the newsletter as a medium and focus on one product per publication. This is what we started to implement in our previous Newsletter (# 74) when we discussed the AMFund fund investment savings plan and this present edition where we discuss the savings account 0-18.

A second survey was distributed to prospects (people interested in AMFIE, who are not yet members) and we received a satisfactory response rate with a high proportion of answers from active people (87.7%). Like members, 32.5% of prospects reproach us for being too bureaucratic with regards to procedures for joining, which in turn represents an obstacle to membership. This observation motivates us even more to develop a digital means of filing out the membership forms. 95% of prospects agree to continue to receive information from AMFIE. This result indicates that most prospects have a good image of AMFIE. We will intensify our communication efforts by sending a periodic and specific message to prospects. We thank the participants who contributed to this survey, for their time and for their trust. Let’s continue to spread our message of the unique cooperative serving all employees of intergovernmental organizations and their families.


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